Saturday, October 27, 2012

Getting Organized...Hopefully

So after being frustrated for some time now on who is doing what in the household lately, everything came to a head last night and in the end I slept on the couch last night to stay away from brooding hubby.  After tossing and turning from both anger and sadness, I decided it was time to try some organization to help out our little family.  I have been looking for calendars to use since I like the way my mom writes everything down on a calendar on the fridge, but either they are too expensive or not magnetic.  So I decided to make a calendar of my own with Microsoft Word.  And this is what I came up with!  I only went until December as I am hoping to find a calendar that I really like as the new year approaches!  But this one is cute and functional so it works.  Plus I just used my printer, some cardstock, ribbon and magnet strips I already had!  :)  If you want a copy of anything please just leave a comment and I am more than willing to share!

Next issue was our dinner schedule/menu.  I plan for meals before I go shopping, but then I don't have a plan for WHEN I will make each meal.  So I try to give the hubby the option and soon find that I am offering too many options and I get "I don't care, you pick." line.  So I looked online for ideas and found this great picture of a menu planner from a blog called Simplee Crafted (here).  I printed it on cardstock and covered it in contact paper so that I could use a dry-erase marker on it and then put more magnetic strips on the back and voilĂ  I have a menu planner now.  I really like the way it turned out and I already have next week's menu up and running (as you can see)

And probably the most frustrating issue lately has been the lack of help I am getting around the house.  I know that my hubby is a new teacher and has a lot to do.... but I could use some help as I work 40 hours a week at the school as well and then come home and take care of puppy, make dinner and try to keep the house clean. (Plus craft a little when I can) : D   So I am trying this chore grid that I made on Microsoft Word with clipart.  Each person has 4 letter chips and the chip goes right by the activity that needs to be done by that person during the current week.  I printed off monograms for the hubby's and my own first names and then covered them in contact paper and put magnets on it.  I put magnets on the chore chart as well, but now I think I should have done something different as I had planned on putting the chips right on the grid, but with the magnet strips on the back of the grid, the magnets on the chips wouldn't stick to the fridge... oh well, live and learn!

 So all together my fridge now looks like this!  I am super happy about it and I will soon see what the man thinks when he gets up for the day.  Of course knowing him, he is probably just hiding in the bedroom and won't come out because he doesn't want to face me... well he has to come out to use the restroom or eat sometime or another : D

Thanks for reading and I will update you on how this system works!


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